Spartan Lacrosse "Play 4 Seton Hill"

Spartan Lacrosse "Play 4 Seton Hill"

The Lady Spartan Lacrosse team have played their last few games with heavy hearts but also a little added motivation.  Following the tragedy that struck former ECC Associate member, Seton Hill, STAC has found ways to show their support for their fellow athletes facing difficult times.

On March 16th, a bus carrying the Seton Hill Women's lacrosse team crashed, killing two and injuring 13.  The bus driver and pregnant Head Coach Kristina Quigley did not survive the fatal accident.  The lacrosse team was headed to play Saturday afternoon at Millersville University, about 50 miles from the crash site in central Pennsylvania, for its fourth game of the year.

Our hearts go out to the members of the Seton Hall Women's Lacrosse team and their families.  The lacrosse community has come together in an outpuring of national support.  A facebook page has been set up as an online tribute.

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