The St. Thomas Aquinas College Women's Cross Country team is in Joplin, Missouri for the NCAA National Championship. The team will be collaborating to share their experience in a daily diary.

Day 3: November 20th

Today we woke up early for our last practice of the season, which was bittersweet. On our final run through the course before the race, we studied every hill and sharp turn so we are prepared for where to make our moves.  The course came to life as we saw all of the teams running around, this kick started our adrenaline making for a speedy run to shake out our legs. The biggest pointer we gave ourselves for tomorrow is sticking together as a team, whether its pushing one another up the next hill or encouraging them as we pass by them on the other side of a loop. Crossing through the finish line we all imagined the crowds that will be lining us tomorrow, we will be anticipating that moment all night. After our practice we rewarded ourselves by purchasing gear that I’m sure we will be strutting around in. It was a nice way to treat ourselves after all of the hard work we put in all season.

After a few hours of relaxation, we prepped ourselves for the banquet. After spending days in practice gear it was nice to look pretty again. We bonded with some of the other teams from across the country, and even Canada, so it will be nice seeing friendly faces on race day. Our guest speaker was John MacDonald, who spoke about the five aspects of a good athlete which were character, conditioning, concentration, communication, and discipline. We realized that we encompassed many, if not all, of theses qualities, which we may have to attribute some of our success to. The atmosphere was encouraging, especially from the famous drum line that played during our meal, and in the world series a few weeks ago we might add. The center jumbotron displayed our school’s name, along with all of the others, which put into perspective the competition we can anticipate tomorrow in the 279 runner field. Now that all of the fluff is over, it is time to focus on our race. r all of the hard work we put in all season.

~STAC Women's Cross Country


Day 2: November 19th

Today, the team gathered at the one and only Denny’s for a scrumptious breakfast. We made interesting conversation with our hostess, learning about the town of Joplin and what activities there were to do around us. We packed the vans and traveled to the Grand Falls. We scaled and jumped across the rocks and over water, since we always find a good photo opp. The team went to Missouri Southern State University to finally complete a run through of the course, where we will make our last performance. It was there that the reality struck us. We took a moment to appreciate that all of our hard work had finally paid off. After that, we traveled to the local boys and girls club for some enriching community engagement. The experience taught us how something as small as interacting with those children could make such a big impact on their day. We decided to make an early night so we will be prepared for the rest of the weekend.

~STAC Women's Cross Country


Day 1: November 18th

Today we began our journey as a team to Joplin, Missouri to compete at the NCAA Division II National Championship for the first time in school history. It was a day of firsts, some girls have never flown, some girls have never changed time zones, and some girls have never played with pinecones (@Meaghan). We deSPARTed STAC at an early hour but our excitement outweighed our tiredness. Although we may have encountered some airport troubles, we kept a positive and optimistic attitude, the only casualty being a jar of peanut butter.  From La Guardia, we had a lay over in Atlanta, Georgia. According to our Snapchat filter it was 70 degrees, but our delicious meal at Buffalo Wild Wings was the closest we got to making it outside of the airport. From Atlanta, we touched down in Arkansas, from which we drove into Missouri and crashed after a long day of traveling. 

~STAC Women's Cross Country