Bethlehem, Pa. - On Saturday, the St. Thomas Aquinas Cross Country program took to the race course in the annual Lehigh University Paul Short Run at the Goodman Campus Cross Country Course in the Keystone State. The Men's squad took home a 16th place finish, while the women's team posted a 22nd place finish in the event.
Pedro Mulero-Martinez was the top Spartan finisher on the afternoon with a time of 28:47.7, placing 67th in the men's 8K Green Race. Following Mulero-Martinez in order of finish were: Kaleb Rayle (29:16.3), James Polisena (30:13.9), Charlie Moore (30:37.5), Colin Graham (30:38.0), John Ciuffo (31:11.4), Kyle Koenig (31:23.6) and Ian Forsyth (39:08.3).
Meanwhile, Zoe Merryman was the top STAC finisher on the day with a time of 23:59.6 taking 33rd overall in the women's 6K Green event. Following Merryman in order of finish were: Ciara Durcan (25:45.3), Sophonie Michel (26:42.7 Isabella Esposito-Farino (27:17.9), Emma Neil (27:37.7), Samantha Frisbee (28:39.9), Ciara Doyle (29:18.6), Kristen Kennedy (30:34.0) and Veronica Valentik (31:16.1).
The Spartans will next compete at the NJIT Highlander Invitational on Saturday, October 12. The meet takes place at Branch Brook Park in Newark, New Jersey, and will begin with the women's race at 12:15 p.m., followed by the men at 1:00 p.m.